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- serial.device/AbortIO
- serial.device/BeginIO
- serial.device/CloseDevice
- serial.device/CMD_CLEAR
- serial.device/CMD_FLUSH
- serial.device/CMD_READ
- serial.device/CMD_RESET
- serial.device/CMD_START
- serial.device/CMD_STOP
- serial.device/CMD_WRITE
- serial.device/OpenDevice
- serial.device/SDCMD_BREAK
- serial.device/SDCMD_QUERY
- serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS
- serial.device/AbortIO serial.device/AbortIO
- AbortIO(ioRequest) -- abort an I/O request
- A1
- This is an exec.library call.
- This function attempts to aborts a specified read or write request.
- If the request is active, it is stopped immediately. If the request is
- queued, it is painlessly removed. The request will be returned
- in the same way any completed request it.
- After AbortIO(), you must generally do a WaitIO().
- iORequest -- pointer to the IORequest Block that is to be aborted.
- io_Error -- if the Abort succeded, then io_Error will be #IOERR_ABORTED
- (-2) and the request will be flagged as aborted (bit 5 of
- io_Flags is set). If the Abort failed, then the Error will be zero.
- Previous to version 34, the serial.device would often hang when
- aborting CTS/RTS handshake requests. This was the cause of the
- incorrect assumption that AbortIO() does not need to be followed
- by a wait for a reply (or a WaitIO()).
- serial.device/BeginIO serial.device/BeginIO
- BeginIO(ioRequest),deviceNode -- start up an I/O process
- A1 A6
- This is a direct function call to the device. It is intended for
- more advanced programmers. See exec's DoIO() and SendIO() for
- the normal method of calling devices.
- This function initiates a I/O request made to the serial
- device. Other than read or write, the functions are performed
- synchronously, and do not depend on any interrupt handling
- logic (or it's associated discontinuities), and hence should
- be performed as IO_QUICK.
- With some exceptions, reads and writes are merely initiated by
- BeginIO, and thusly return to the caller as begun, not completed.
- Completion is signalled via the standard ReplyMsg routine.
- Multiple requests are handled via FIFO queueing.
- One exception to this non-QUICK handling of reads and writes
- is for READS when:
- - IO_QUICK bit is set
- - There are no pending read requests
- - There is already enough data in the input buffer to satisfy
- this I/O Request immediately.
- In this case, the IO_QUICK flag is not cleared, and the request
- is completed by the time it returns to the caller. There is no
- ReplyMsg or signal bit activity in this case.
- ioRequest -- pointer to an I/O Request Block of size
- io_ExtSerSize (see serial.i for size/definition),
- containing a valid command in io_Command to process,
- as well as the command's other required parameters.
- deviceNode -- pointer to the "serial.device", as found in
- the IO_DEVICE of the ioRequest.
- io_Error -- if the BeginIO succeded, then Error will be null.
- If the BeginIO failed, then the Error will be non-zero.
- I/O errors won't be reported until the io completes.
- devices/serial.h
- serial.device/CloseDevice serial.device/CloseDevice
- CloseDevice -- close the serial port
- CloseDevice(deviceNode)
- A1
- This is an exec call that terminates communication with the
- serial device. Upon closing, the device's input buffer is freed.
- Note that all IORequests MUST be complete before closing.
- If any are pending, your program must AbortIO() then WaitIO()
- to complete them.
- deviceNode - pointer to the device node, set by Open
- serial.device/OpenDevice
- serial.device/CMD_CLEAR serial.device/CMD_CLEAR
- Clear -- clear the serial port buffers
- This command resets the serial port's read buffer pointers.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_CLEAR
- Error -- If the Clear succeded, then io_Error will be null.
- If the Clear failed, then the io_Error will be non-zero.
- serial.device/CMD_FLUSH serial.device/CMD_FLUSH
- Flush -- clear all queued I/O requests for the serial port
- This command purges the read and write request queues for the
- serial device. Flush will not affect active requests.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_FLUSH
- Error -- if the Flush succeded, then io_Error will be null.
- If the Flush failed, then the io_Error will be non-zero.
- serial.device/CMD_READ serial.device/CMD_READ
- Read -- read input from serial port
- This command causes a stream of characters to be read in from
- the serial port buffer. The number of characters is specified
- in io_Length.
- The Query function can be used to check how many characters
- are currently waiting in the serial port buffer. If more characters
- are requested than are currently available, the ioRequest
- will be queued until it can be satisfied.
- The best way to handle reads is to first Query to get the number
- of characters currently in the buffer. Then post a read request
- for that number of characters (or the maximum size of your buffer).
- If zero characters are in the buffer, post a request
- for 1 character. When at least one is ready, the device will return
- it. Now start over with another Query.
- Before the program exits, it must be sure to AbortIO() then WaitIO()
- any outstanding ioRequests.
- io_Message A mn_ReplyPort is required
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_READ
- io_Flags If the IOB_QUICK bit is set, read will try
- to complete the IO quickly
- io_Length number of characters to receive.
- io_Data pointer to buffer
- Error -- if the Read succeded, then io_Error will be null.
- If the Read failed, then io_Error will be non-zero.
- io_Error will indicate problems such as parity mismatch,
- break, and buffer overrun.
- serial.device/SDCMD_QUERY
- serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS
- Having multiple outstanding read IORequests at any one time will
- probably fail.
- Old documentation mentioned a mode where io_Length was set to -1.
- If you want a NULL terminated read, use the io_TermArray instead.
- serial.device/CMD_RESET serial.device/CMD_RESET
- Reset -- reinitializes the serial port
- This command resets the serial port to its freshly initialized
- condition. It aborts all I/O requests both queued and current,
- relinquishes the current buffer, obtains a new default sized
- buffer, and sets the port's flags and parameters to their
- boot-up time default values. The functions places the reset
- parameter values in the ioRequest block.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_RESET
- Error -- if the Reset succeded, then Error will be null.
- If the Reset failed, then the Error will be non-zero.
- serial.device/CMD_START serial.device/CMD_START
- Start -- restart paused I/O over the serial port
- This function restarts all current I/O on the serial port by
- sending an xON to the "other side", and submitting a "logical
- xON" to "our side", if/when appropriate to current activity.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_START
- serial.device/CMD_STOP
- serial.device/CMD_STOP serial.device/CMD_STOP
- Stop -- pause all current I/O over the serial port
- This command halts all current I/O on the serial port by
- sending an xOFF to the "other side", and submitting a "logical
- xOFF" to "our side", if/when appropriate to current activity.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_STOP
- serial.device/CMD_START
- serial.device/CMD_WRITE serial.device/CMD_WRITE
- Write -- send output to serial port
- This command causes a stream of characters to be written out
- the serial port. The number of characters is specified in
- io_Length, unless -1 is used, in which case output is sent until
- a null(0x00) is encountered.
- io_Message must have mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command CMD_WRITE
- io_Flags Set IOF_QUICK to try quick I/O
- io_Length number of characters to transmit, or if set
- to -1 transmit until null encountered in buffer
- io_Data pointer to block of data to transmit
- Error -- if the Write succeded, then io_Error will be null.
- If the Write failed, then the io_Error will be non-zero.
- serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS
- serial.device/OpenDevice serial.device/OpenDevice
- OpenDevice -- Request an opening of the serial device.
- error = OpenDevice("serial.device", unit, ioRequest, flags)
- D0 A0 D0 A1 D1
- BYTE OpenDevice(STRPTR, ULONG, struct IOExtSer *, ULONG);
- This is an exec call. Exec will search for the serial.device, and
- if found, will pass this call on to the device.
- Unless the shared-access bit (bit 5 of io_SerFlags) is set,
- exclusive use is granted and no other access to that unit is
- allowed until the owner closes it. All the serial-specific fields
- in the ioRequest are initialized to their most recent values (or
- the Preferences default, for the first time open).
- If support of 7-wire handshaking (i.e. RS232-C CTS/RTS protocol)
- is required, use the serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS command.
- This feature should also be specified at inital OpenDevice() time.
- "serial.device" - pointer to literal string "serial.device"
- unit - Must be zero, or a user setable unit number.
- (This field is used by multiple port controllers)
- Zero specifies the default serial port.
- ioRequest - pointer to an ioRequest block of size io_ExtSerSize
- to be initialized by the serial.device.
- (see devices/serial.h for the definition)
- NOTE use of io_SerFlags (see FUNCTION above)
- IMPORTANT: The ioRequest block MUST be of size io_ExtSerSize,
- and zeroed (with the exeptions as noted)!
- flags - Must be zero for future compatibility
- D0 - same as io_Error
- io_Error - If the Open succeded, then io_Error will be null.
- If the Open failed, then io_Error will be non-zero.
- io_Device - A pointer to whatever device will handle the calls
- for this unit. This pointer may be different depending
- on what unit is requested.
- If 7-wire handshaking is specified, a timeout "feature" is enabled.
- If the device holds off the computer for more than about 30-60
- seconds, the device will return the write request with the error
- SerErr_TimerErr. Don't depend on this, however. If you want a timeout,
- set up the timer.device and wait for either timer, or serial IO to
- complete.
- On open, the serial.device allocates the misc.resource for the
- serial port. It does not return it until the serial.device is
- expunged from memory. It should return it when no more openers
- exist. This code can force a specified device to try and
- expunge. Of course, if the device is in use nothing will happen:
- #include "exec/types.h"
- #include "exec/execbase.h"
- #include "proto/exec.h"
- void FlushDevice(char *);
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- void main()
- {
- FlushDevice("serial.device"); /* or parallel.device */
- }
- /*
- * Attempts to flush the named device out of memory.
- * If it fails, no status is returned; examination of
- * the problem will reveal that information has no
- * valid use after the Permit().
- */
- void FlushDevice(name)
- char *name;
- {
- struct Device *result;
- Forbid();
- if( result=(struct Device *)FindName(&SysBase->DeviceList,name) )
- RemDevice(result);
- Permit();
- }
- serial.device/CloseDevice
- serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS
- devices/serial.h
- serial.device/SDCMD_BREAK serial.device/SDCMD_BREAK
- Break -- send a break signal over the serial line
- This command sends a break signal (serial line held low for an
- extended period) out the serial port. For the built-in port,
- This is accomplished by setting the UARTBRK bit of regisrer ADKCON.
- After a duration (user specifiable via setparams, default 250000
- microseconds) the bit is reset and the signal discontinued.
- If the QUEUEDBRK bit of io_SerFlags is set in the io_Request
- block, the request is placed at the back of the write-request
- queue and executed in turn. If the QUEUEDBRK bit is not set,
- the break is started immediately, control returns to the
- caller, and the timer discontinues the signal after the
- duration is completed. Be aware that calling BREAK may
- affect other commands such as ABORT, FLUSH, STOP, START, etc...
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device set by OpenDevice
- io_Unit set by OpenDevice
- io_Command SDCMD_BREAK
- io_Flags set/reset IO_QUICK per above description
- Error -- if the Break succeded, then Error will be null.
- If the Break failed, then the Error will be non-zero.
- serial.device/SDCMD_QUERY serial.device/SDCMD_QUERY
- Query -- query serial port/line status
- This command return the status of the serial port lines and
- registers. The number of unread bytes in the serial device's
- read buffer is shown in io_Actual.
- The break send & received flags are cleared by a query, and
- whenever a read IORequest is returned with a error
- in io_Error.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device preset by OpenDevice
- io_Unit preset by OpenDevice
- io_Command SDCMD_QUERY
- LSB 0 --- reserved
- 1 --- reserved
- 2 high parallel "sel" on the A1000
- On the A500 & A2000, "sel" is also
- connected to the serial port's
- "Ring Indicator". Be cautious when
- making cables.
- 3 low Data Set Ready
- 4 low Clear To Send
- 5 low Carrier Detect
- 6 low Ready To Send
- 7 low Data Terminal Ready
- MSB 8 high hardware overrun
- 9 high break sent (most recent output)
- 10 high break received (as latest input)
- 11 high transmit x-OFFed
- 12 high receive x-OFFed
- 13-15 --- reserved
- io_Actual set to count of unread input characters
- io_Error -- Query will always succeded.
- serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS serial.device/SDCMD_SETPARAMS
- SetParams -- change parameters for the serial port
- This command allows the caller to change parameters for the
- serial device. Except for xON-xOFF enable/disable, it will
- reject a setparams call if any reads or writes are active
- or pending.
- Note specifically:
- 1. Valid input for io_Baud is between 112 and 292000 baud inclusive;
- asynchronous i/o above 32KB (especially on a busy system) may
- be ambitious.
- 2. The EOFMODE and QUEUEDBRK bits of io_SerFlags can be set/reset
- in the io_Rqst block without a call to SetParams. The SHARED
- and 7WIRE bits of io_SerFlags can be used in OpenDevice calls.
- 3. RBufLen must be at least 64. The buffer may be any multiple of
- 64 bytes.
- 4. If not used, io_ExtFlags MUST be set to zero.
- 5. xON-xOFF is by default enabled. The XDISABLED bit is the only
- parameter that can be changed via a SetParams call while the
- device is active. Note that this will return the value
- SerErr_DevBusy in the io_Error field.
- xON/xOFF handshaking is inappropriate for certain binary transfer
- protocalls, such as Xmodem. The binary data might contain the
- xON (ASCII 17) and xOFF (ASCII 19) characters.
- 6. If trying to run MIDI, you should set the RAD_BOOGIE bit of
- io_SerFlags to eliminate unneeded overhead. Specifically, this skips
- checks for parity, x-OFF handling, character lengths other than
- 8 bits, and testing for a break signal. Setting RAD_BOOGIE will
- also set the XDISABLED bit.
- Note that writing data (that's already in MIDI format) at MIDI rates
- is easily accomplished. Using this driver alone for MIDI reads may,
- however, may not be reliable, due to MIDI timestamping requirements,
- and possibility of overruns in a busy multitasking and/or display
- intensive environment.
- 7. If you select mark or space parity (see io_ExtFlags in serial.h),
- this will cause the SERB_PARTY_ON bit to be set, and the setting
- of SERB_PARTY_ODD to be ignored.
- 8. For best results, set the RAD_BOOGIE flag whenever possible. See
- #6 for details.
- 9. Note that at this time parity is *not* calculated for the xON-xOFF
- characters. If you have a system that is picky about the parity of
- these, you must set your own xON-xOFF characters in io_CtlChar.
- 10. 7WIRE (CTS/RTS) handshake is bi-directional. The external side
- is expected to drop CTS several character times before the external
- buffer is full. The Amiga will drop RTS several character times
- before the Amiga's buffer is full.
- io_Message mn_ReplyPort initialized
- io_Device preset by OpenDevice
- io_Unit preset by OpenDevice
- io_Command SDCMD_SETPARAMS (0x0B)
- NOTE that the following fields are filled in by Open
- to reflect the serial device's current configuration.
- io_CtlChar a longword containing byte values for the
- xON,xOFF,INQ,ACK fields (respectively)
- (INQ/ACK not used at this time)
- io_RBufLen length in bytes of input buffer
- NOTE that any change in buffer size causes the
- current buffer to be deallocated and a new,
- correctly sized one to be allocated. Thusly,
- io_ExtFlags additional serial flags (bitdefs in devices/serial.h)
- mark & space parity may be specified here.
- io_Baud baud rate for reads AND writes. (See 1 above)
- io_BrkTime duration of break signal in MICROseconds
- io_TermArray ASCII descending-ordered 8-byte array of
- termination characters. If less than 8 chars
- used, fill out array w/lowest valid value.
- Terminators are checked only if EOFMODE bit of
- io_Serflags is set. (e.g. x512F040303030303 )
- io_ReadLen number of bits in read word (1-8) not including parity
- io_WriteLen number of bits in write word (1-8) " " "
- io_StopBits number of stop bits (0, 1 or 2)
- io_SerFlags see devices/serial.h for bit equates, NOTE that x00
- yields exclusive access, xON/OFF-enabled, no
- parity checking, 3-wire protocol and TermArray
- inactive.
- Error -- if the SetParams succeded, then Error will be null.
- If the SetParams failed, then the Error will be non-zero.
- exec/OpenDevice